Demo Milestone 1 - First (Special) Hotfix!

We have released a special hotfix for CHOUNIJIDEN: Wonderful Skies! This update is dedicated to the 7th anniversary of Episode 47 of Kira Kira PreCure A La Mode, which inspired me to make (Seven Force from Gunstar Heroes is another inspiration aside from the last three episodes of the anime “Kira Kira PreCure A La Mode:.)

Here are the following changes:

  • Minor changes to Weapon Select Screen; After selecting your weapon, instead of the Start Button and the Select Button, Button 5 is now used for confirming weapon selection to start the game, while Button 6 is now used for restarting the Weapon Select Screen to get another chance to select a new weapon. You can already access Type W, Type X, Type Y, and Type Z by holding Button 5 and pressing any of the 4 buttons ranging from Button 1 to Button 4.
  • Boss Warning Animation has been optimized.

We hope that you will enjoy playing CHOUNIJIDEN: Wonderful Skies! Please stay tuned for more updates because Demo Milestone 2 will be coming soon as it will feature the first 3 stages of the complete version of the game. Consider the only playable stage in Demo Milestone 1 as Stage 12 of the complete version of the game, while the additional 3 stages in the upcoming Demo Milestone 2 will be considered as Stages 1-3 of the complete version of the game.

Thank you! See you next demo milestone!


CHOUNIJIDEN: Wonderful Skies - Demo Milestone 1 118 MB
Version 1.0.1 56 days ago

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