A downloadable game for Windows

What is Project Kulayan-Z/CHOUNIJIDEN?

Project Kulayan-Z is the codename "MagiColor Heroes Shmup Project 1st Season".
 CHOUNIJIDEN on the other hand, consists of two editions:

  • Caravan Edition "Iridescent Force (IF)" - This edition showcases how a Caravan Shmup is possible to make using SHMUP Creator.
  • Standard Edition "Wonderful Skies (WS)" - This edition is the general edition of CHOUNIJIDEN, with several stages. This will serve as the core game of MagiColor Heroes Shmup Project 1st Season: Project Kulayan-Z. (Coming Soon, now on development)

  • A 5 Minute Caravan Stage...made with SHMUP Creator?

    This is a big, impressive thing that I have created so far. I somehow made Caravan or Score Attack shoot-em-ups possible in such a new engine. There are many possibilities that SHMUP Creator can offer are so many of them, and one of which is a caravan/score attack game! And so, I present to you: The First Caravan/Score Attack Game made with SHMUP Creator. This is CHOUNIJIDEN: Iridescent Force (IF).

    CHOUNIJIDEN: Iridescent Force (IF) demonstrates how a Score Attack Shoot-em-up can be possible to create using SHMUP Creator.

    CHOUNIJIDEN:IF is a caravan showcase demo that is originally made for the Gunner Parade '23 Game Jam (ranked 3rd). This demo is meant to showcase what SHMUP Creator can also do other than just ordinary shmups, specifically score attack/caravan shmups.

    How high can you score without losing a life? Will you persevere and complete the caravan stage even if you made such a mistake once?

    • After 4 minutes into the Caravan Stage, you have a minute to beat the end boss.
    • Can you uncover all the hidden medals? Can you reach up to 200,000,000 points?
    • Don't be afraid to use bombs wisely! Be careful at all times!
    • Test your skills! You will be rewarded for your skilled play.
    How To Play - Keyboard Controls

    Movement - Arrow Keys
    Primary Shot - Z Key
    Secondary Shot - X Key
    Use Bomb - C Key
    Slow Down Ship - Shift Key


    CHOUNIJIDEN:IF - A Caravan Showcase Demo 98 MB
    Version 1.2 75 days ago

    Install instructions

    16:9 Screen Resolution is recommended to run this game.
    Just simply download the zip file and extract it. Just run "ChounijidenIF.exe" and enjoy the game!

    Important: I recommend to delete the file "high.scores", which is located in "AppData\Roaming\SHMUPCreator\ChounijidenIF" every time you update this game. Those who still have this game installed in Version 0.3 or older should completely uninstall it before installing Version 1 of this game. Any version 0.3 or older will no longer be supported as of April 7, 2024.

    Development log

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